Nov 14, 2020

ZigBee@Linux: Integration of zigbee2mqtt with FHEM (mqtt server) on ubuntu server

After the setup of FHEM and zigbee2mqtt the integration of both components has to be done.

What has to be done?

After reading the excellent documentation of FHEM it is very easy - FHEM can be configured, so that it is providing a mqtt server. 

First you have to add the following line in /opt/zigbee2mqtt/data/configuration.yaml inside the "mqtt:" section:

  client_id: 'zigbee_pi'

Then go to the command prompt of the FHEM webgui and enter the following:

define MQTT2_FHEM_Server MQTT2_SERVER 1883 global
defmod MQTT2_zigbee_pi MQTT2_DEVICE zigbee_pi
attr MQTT2_zigbee_pi IODev MQTT2_FHEM_Server
attr MQTT2_zigbee_pi bridgeRegexp zigbee2mqtt/([A-Za-z0-9]*)[/]?.*:.* "zigbee_$1"
After that you should see something like this:

(you can change the style of the page via "select style" on the left column)

Then you should save:

To create a graph just click on the file which is created for your zigbee device:

and then there should be something like:

Here you can click on "Create SVG plot" and on:

click on "write .gplot file" and your first graph is there... Repeat this and you can get:


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