Dec 16, 2020

zigbee: moving data from mqtt to influxdb - transforming strings to integers

After some first steps with zigbee devices and storing the data in an influxdb, i noticed that string values are suboptimal for building graphs. 

Moving the data from mqtt to influxdb was done with telegraf:

And i was wondering, how i can change string to integers, but this i very easy:

    order = 2
      field = "state"
        "ON" = 1
        "OFF" = 0
      field = "contact"
        "true" = 2
        "false" = 1
      field = "tamper"
        "true" = 1
        "false" = 0
      field = "water_leak"
        "true" = 1
        "false" = 0
Next problem: if the column "water_leak" was already added inside your influxdb, you can not add numbers - so you have to drop the table and loose your data...

(This is not the full truth: you can export the data via a select to a file and insert the data afterwards - with the appropriate numbers...)

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