First a listing of the installed snap packages:
~$ snap listTo get a list of available packages you can use "snap find" + a search value:
Name Version Rev Developer Notes
core 16.04.1 394 canonical -
pc 16.04-0.8 9 canonical -
pc-kernel 4.4.0-45-4 37 canonical -
$ snap find httpI chose caddy-hduran:
Name Version Developer Notes Summary
http 0.9.9-1 chipaca - HTTPie in a snap
httpstat 1.1.3 simosx - Curl statistics made simple
gost 2.4 ginuerzh - GO Simple Tunnel
spreed-webrtc-snap 0.24.11-4 garywzl77 - WebRTC audio/video calls and conferences
squid-gary 0.3 garywzl77 - Squid is a caching proxy for the Web supporting HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, and more.
littlewatcher 0.9.9 littlewatcher - Client for a distributed monitoring network
tinyproxy-snap 0.2 garywzl77 - a light-weight HTTP(S) proxy daemon for POSIX operating systems.
caddy-hduran 0.9.3 hduran - The HTTP/2 web server with automatic HTTPS
demo-curl 7.47.0-1ubuntu2.1 woodrow - command line tool for transferring data with URL syntax
conn-check 1.3.2-2 1stvamp - Utility for verifying connectivity between services
reqcounter 0.1 meehow - HTTP requests counter
bhttp 0 rog - Macaroon-aware HTTP command line client
unixhttp 1 teknoraver - HTTP over Unix
wuzz dd696dc-1 nhandler - interactive cli tool for HTTP inspection
prometheus-blackbox-exporter 0.5.0 jacek - The Prometheus Blackbox Exporter
gnocchi 4.0.3 james-page - Time Series Database as a Service
kurly master carla-sella - kurly is an alternative to the widely popular curl program.
inadyn 0.1 snapcrafters - Internet Automated Dynamic DNS Client
ipfs v0.4.11 elopio - global, versioned, peer-to-peer filesystem
tinyproxy-ogra 1.8.3 ogra - very tiny proxy server
demo-wget 1.17.1-2 woodrow - retrieves files from the web
links 2.12-1 zygoon - Web browser running in text mode
couchdb 2.0 apache-couchdb - RESTful document oriented database
attfeeder 0.0.1 sphengineering - Attitude angles feeder
snap install caddy-hduranand some seconds later the installation was finished.
The deployment structure can be found with this command:
~$ mount | grep caddyTwice a readonly filesystem. So where to put the configuration file?
/var/lib/snapd/snaps/caddy-hduran_12.snap on /snap/caddy-hduran/12 type squashfs (ro,relatime)
/var/lib/snapd/snaps/caddy-hduran_12.snap on /writable/system-data/snap/caddy-hduran/12 type squashfs (ro,relatime)
nsfs on /run/snapd/ns/caddy-hduran.mnt type nsfs (rw)
I found
/writable/system-data/var/snap/caddy-hduran/12/and put there a Caddyfile with this content: a simple index.html. This only works with sudo.
tls off
Then i started the caddy server
/var/snap/caddy-hduran/12# caddy-hduran.caddyA strange behaviour is that it will not run if you stay in
Activating privacy features... done.
WARNING: File descriptor limit 1024 is too low for production servers. At least 8192 is recommended. Fix with "ulimit -n 8192".
/writable/system-data/var/snap/caddy-hduran/12/but in
/var/snap/caddy-hduran/12it starts...
If you want more information about how to configure caddy, take a look at this blog:

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