Today i logged into metalink - ups - into The new interface with Adobe flash is really nice. Three months ago i had problems in viewing service requests, so i decided to stay with the old metalink interface (take a look at my posting).
Now i have to work with the new interface. This worked but more then 20 times i got the following error message:
I queried metalink itself for this error - nothing.
I queried google: and there i found a very nice page:
(Before following the link, read to the end!!!)
Here a best of:
Enjoy ;-) and remember Things can only get better!
Now i have to work with the new interface. This worked but more then 20 times i got the following error message:
I queried google: and there i found a very nice page:
(Before following the link, read to the end!!!) posting at this link is nice but you should read the COMMENTS!!
Here a best of:
Here's my saga:or
- Did everything as requested and on time (well before time) by tying my MetaLink account with Oracle SSO
- It stopped working promptly with the cutover with 'Account setup in progres ...' error.
- Had a colleage open an SR (strike 1) which was promptly closed by support without resolving the issue.
- Had my colleage open yet another SR (strike 2) which was promptly closed by support without resolving the issue
- My colleage called in the problem (strike 3) and of course support didn't resolve the problem.
- Many days pass by and yesterday I called it in (strike 4) and I was told to re-register. Didn't work as expected.
- Sent email to our customer rep in disgust
- Finally able to login this morning and what do you know they lost all my CSIs associated with the account.
- Call support again to have the CSI issue resolved again.
- I've many CSIs associated with my account (some of which I'm the admin) and was flooded with email (add/approve/... requests).
- A total of 9 days without access to the Support site; not that I needed to create any SRs.
- I was surprised to discover how much I depend on the Support site on a routine basis.
So, Oracle Support hasor
1.) intentionally decided to choose a competitors product to build their new front end (thereby declaring their own software products are inferior for the task),
2.) made themselves completely dependant upon a competitors ability (and/or desire) to quickly fix security and/or compatibility problems,
3.) wound up ignoring the largest installed base of browser on the web
4.) created a HTML version of the support site (to replace a version that was working fine, built with an Oracle product) that isn't supported!!!!!
My Oracle Support Services Error:or
A server connection error occurred.
You cannot continue.
Please try again later.
orCollection of exotic fly-by error messages we are receiving
"Unable to perform "" operation due to the following error: "BusinessException thrown from ReOpen First Step : updateSR() at 2009-12-02 14:59:12.488 CST"."
"Service Error: sr/home: javax.xml.rpc.soap.SOAPFaultException: Cannot perform client request"
"Error #1095"
"Error #1088"
And last but not the least - the neat and deadly
"Exception raised"
It would be nice to have an official admission by Support that says:or ...."Yes. We screwed up in a big way. We realize that out support system is in complete disarray. Here are the things that we know are completely and unacceptably messed up and here are the current statuses and what is being done."
Enjoy ;-) and remember Things can only get better!