Aug 21, 2016

Journalismus, den die Welt braucht. Teil 2 | Pearls of journalism. Part 2

Two weeks ago i started a first experiment with translating strange articles by Google (see here).
This was the next snippet (from IT-BUSINESS), which was a little bit weird:
Aha. Fog Computing...

Let's see, what Google Translate means to this:

Fog Compuing

The Fog is all symbolize the cloud around. It is all about the primary processing of data close to the data encoder, such as in the car or in the refrigerator before it is to be forwarded to cloud services. The more devices are connected to the cloud, the more data must be downloaded from and to the cloud. Fog Computing to store data that are needed for a specific device right there too and process.
"Downloaded from and to the cloud"...
For this snippet it wasn't really helpful to translate it into to english. But Fog Computing is a nice neologism ;-)

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